Principal's Message


Life is what you make it. Africa should look at East and West then try to catch up with Science, Technology and Engineering. We should drop our Paper Syndrome which has destroyed our generations, has made our people poor and always looking for jobs.

My Country Men and Women, you should understand that God has made Africa a rich land for you to have a better living. We are living very poor and miserable lives because of our mindset. We must think big and work hard to get rich.

Great Nations like USA, USSR, UK, Japan, Germany to mention but a few have developed by skilling their Human Resource and embracing Science, Technology and Engineering.

With our potentials, St. Benedict Technical College is best College for Technology. If this Country can empower its youth with Technical and Vocational Skills, we shall see a great change in this Country.

For God and my Country.

Etole Rao Vunison.

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